When users get this error:
Run this regedit: https://leoadaly-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/p/bjbiondo/ERtVWfo4sPdMsh5O6yAcQCoBwaBIUPpaSgrK8DNyJ0_2Dw?e=ShDYRt
Run as the user, have them type in their password - make sure outlook is closed for the change.
When users get this error:
Run this regedit: https://leoadaly-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/p/bjbiondo/ERtVWfo4sPdMsh5O6yAcQCoBwaBIUPpaSgrK8DNyJ0_2Dw?e=ShDYRt
Run as the user, have them type in their password - make sure outlook is closed for the change.
Yes No