All Spexx functions must be performed while the machine is in the office. If working remotely, one must remote to a machine that is in the office. Using the program on a machine that is outside the office will not work correctly.

  1. Copy the SpexxUpd.bat file from an existing SPEXX computer from and to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
  2. Restart the pc so the bat file can be ran at startup. 
  3. Prior to opening SPEXX, navigate to the Q drive to verify connectivity. 
  4. Run the Setup.exe file located in your Q:\Spexx\Setup Files folder on your server (installing to default location C:\Program Files\Spexx)
  5. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Spexx and right click on the folder to share it. 
    1. To share the Spexx folder: 
      1. Right click – Properties
      2. Select Sharing
      3. Select Advance Sharing
      4. Check the box next to Share this folder
      5. Click Apply and OK
  6. Set the Folder Permissions for the local C:\Program Files\Spexx folder to ‘Full Control’
    1. To set folder permissions:
      1. Click on the Security tab
      2. Click on Edit
      3. Click on each of the Groups and change to Full Control
      4. Click Apply and OK
      5. Close the Program File properties window
  7. Manually copy the Q:\Spexx\Spexx.mde file to the User’s Desktop and then copy that file to C:\Program Files\Spexx folder and overwrite the file.
  8. Launch the Spexx System and login (use ADM |AdminPass) to verify that they are using the current version – see the ‘Last Updated’ date located on their Project Login screen.  If you are unable to login or receive a message about this being an initial installation or cannot locate the data file, then cancel out and contact SPEXX SME or contact SPEXX representative at Lojik Tech Support at for details of how to work around this issue.
  9. Setup any New Users with login credentials in the Spexx System.
  10. See below for on how to setup new users on the Spexx System.



System Info & Utilities Applications (Admin Only)

Spexx New User Setup

1. To setup new Users for the Spexx System, you will first navigate from the Main Menu to the System Info & Utilities Menu.   

2. Locate the USER SETUP button to open the User Setup screen and follow the steps outlined below.  



3. Administrators can setup new Users so they will be able to login to the Spexx System.  Enter the User’s Login initials, User Name, and Password (click Un-Secure at the top to display the hidden passwords). 

    There are three levels of Users: 

        Administrator (Admin is checked – can access all sections of the system); 

        User (NO checks on Admin or Mgr – can work in all sections of the system on assigned Projects, but cannot access the System Info & Utilities section which is reserved for Admin Only); 

        Mgr (Mgr ONLY is checked – can log in with Read Only permissions to the system – can view records and reports but cannot make any changes or access the System Info & Utilities section). 

    3a. If the User is to be assigned to ALL past and future Projects, check the ‘All Proj’ checkbox – you will receive a message indicating that they have been assigned to all projects.  The User will now be assigned automatically to any future projects.  

    3b. If the User is not to be assigned to ALL projects, then leave the All Proj checkbox un-checked and assign the User individually to each project in the Project Information.. User Assignment tab.