Unrecoverable errors in Revit 2020 Structural Models



A Revit project is producing various errors – fatal errors, serious errors and unrecoverable errors – that will completely close Revit. It is determined that the problem is with the linked structural model (typical but not in every case). Problem can consistently be re-produced – note: it works correctly in 2019, but after upgrading to 2020, it will open, but can’t open other views – an unrecoverable error will occur and close Revit.

Checking the journal files reveals that there was a failure while attempting to login to a Steel Connections database …

Excerpt from Journal file:

' 2:< Exception caught from managed method .Net SqlClient Data Provider::Boolean TryGetConnection(System.Data.Common.DbConnection, UInt32, Boolean, Boolean, System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions, System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal ByRef) <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException> <Cannot open database "C:\PROGRAMDATA\AUTODESK\REVIT STEEL CONNECTIONS 2020\EN-US\ASTORBASE.MDF" requested by the login. The login failed.


A script has been developed that MUST be run by the user that should resolve this problem. It is located at L:\Revit\01_Support Files\Error Correction and is named Unrecoverable error - 2020.bat. User MUST have Revit closed and respond as needed to prompts for input from the script. Revit will need to be opened during the script to confirm it ran as expected. If no errors when running the script, user should then continue to use Revit normally. 

Successful script with prompts