- Write down the wired IP on the bottom left of the screen
- If the wired IP begins with 192, contact Tim Heinzen to move to production.
- Unplug the ethernet and power cable.
- While pressing the reset button, reconnect the power cables until the clickshare unit's power button rapidly flashes different colors.
- Plug in the network cable.
- Note the new wired IP.
- Switch to the PC input.
- Login with your windows credentials.
- Open a browser and type in the wired IP noted in step 5.
- Log in using:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
- Check the box labeled "I have read and accept the EULA and privacy policy".
- Click Start Configuration.
- Personalisation Page
- Meeting Room Name: Type the name of the conference room.
- Location Name: Type the name of the city (ex Omaha).
- Welcome Message: leave this blank
- Click Next.
- Select the appropriate time zone.
- Choose Use NTP.
- NTP Server:
- Click Next.
- Make sure Shield 1 is selected.
- Click Next.
- SSID: clickshare-"Type the name of the conference room"
- Ex: clickshare-Omaha
- New and Confirm Wi-Fi Passphrase: clickshare
- Click Finish Configuration on the warning message.
- Go to LAN Settings and change the hostname to Clickshare-"Name of room"
- On the left side of the screen, click Support and Updates.
- Click Firmware Update.
- Select "Off" for Automatic Firmware Updates.
- Save Changes.
- Click the Upload Firmware button.
- Browse to the path: \\ladco\shares\software\Barco clickshare\Current. Select the file and click Open.
- Wait for the firmware update to complete. This will take a few minutes.
- On the left side of the screen, click Display and Audio.
- Audio input = HDMI
- On the left side, go to Security, Password.
- Under the Change WebUI password:
- Current Password: admin
- New Password: clickshare
- Confirm Password: clickshare
- Click Next
- Change to the input to Clickshare.
- Connect only one of the pucks into the front USB of the clickshare.
- When it's done pairing, the puck light will be a solid red.
- Remove that puck and connect the other one and wait for that one to pair and become a solid red.
- Remove the puck.
- Email Tim Milan the Wireless IP address.
You're done!