*courtesy of J Rodriguez*
Bluebeam Projectwise Integration Settings
As part of the recent change to Projectwise Cloud Connect, there is a modification that is needed for the integration to function properly between Projectwise and Bluebeam.
- In Bluebeam click Settings > Preferences.
- Select File Access and check for Projectwise V10 entry. If you see it, highlight it and click Logout, highlight it again and click Delete. Click Yes to the warning message.
- Click the Add button.
- Under “Type” select “Projectwise V10” then Load. Bluebeam will detect the correct datasource and load it. (Ensure you are logged into PW Explorer)
- Enter your company Windows credentials and check the two boxes as shown, click Ok.
- You should now see the new Data Source listing, click Ok and close and reopen Bluebeam.