Description from Incident 26254:
Kristi said her Phish alert had disappeared, so I ran through the usual steps to try to get it back. It was listed as disabled in outlook, so I enabled it, but it would not stay loaded in outlook after closing and reopening.
I edited the registry value from 3 to 0 to 1 and back to 3, but it didn't fix the issue.
Lastly, I uninstalled phish, rebooted, and installed again. This also didn't help.
Did I miss something?
Kristi is on windows 7 with office 365.
Solution from Incident 26254:
Went into the registry's current user and changed the disabled items for Phish Alert from a load behavior of 0 to 3. Now it comes back after reopening Outlook.
See attachment with full explanation and screenshots.