
This is a combination of 3 different software packages. KRPano is a licensed software, Image Magick, and jpegtran are both open source software. I have tied the 3 packages together with some custom batch files. The purpose to convert rendered images to the correct format to be placed on the VR website.

To start with Autodesk, make sure the requester downloads the render as a Stereo-Pano as Cube(Strip) from the Autodesk360 website. You will get a zip file with 4 images and several other files. The image that we are looking for will be the largest of the 4 and named image.png. When opened it will look like a film strip with 2 rows of 6 square images.

Take this file and place it in the Input folder. Then execute the Convert_Autodesk2KRPano.bat file.

After the script executes you will now see several files in the Output folder. The script has basically cut up the film strip image, resized the individual squares and saved them with the correct name for KRPano to work. All the files and the folder need to be saved for the webpage creation. Currently that can be done by Nathan, Stephanie, or Kenji.