
This is a combination of 3 different software packages. KRPano is a licensed software, Image Magick, and jpegtran are both open source software. I have tied the 3 packages together with some custom batch files. The purpose to convert rendered images to the correct format to be placed on the VR website.

For this conversion we will need access to a licensed tool from KRPano, to use it without watermarks we need to license the software on the computer you are using. Browse to the KRPano folder then execute KRPano Tools.exe, it should immediately come up and ask you about a license key. Paste the following information in the text box:




Then Press Register this code. From here you should be able to close the licensing screen and the tools.

To start with Lumion the requester needs to make sure to Render as a stereo spherical image. There is an option for a cubical rendering but for some reason it comes up as a mirror image and everything is backwards. If it sent from Lumion as a cube, please send it back and have them re-render.

This is an example of how the rendering should look when you receive it. This conversion is a little trickier, we first need to lose half the image. For what we are doing we do not need both views. I use an open source software called GIMP, but you can also use Photoshop. Load the image in GIMP, right click on the image and from the Menu select Image > Set Image Canvas Size. Leave the Width alone and set the Height to 2048 and Press the Resize button. Go to File > Export As > Name it image.jpg and Press the Export button.

Place the image.jpg file you just created in the Input folder. Then execute Convert_vRay(Sphere)2Autodesk.bat.

We have now taken the spherical image and converted it to a cubical filmstrip image. Take the image.png file and move it to the Input folder and delete image.jpg, then clear the Output folder. Now execute Convert_Autodesk2KRPano.bat

After the script executes you will now see several files in the Output folder. The script has basically cut up the film strip image, resized the individual squares and saved them with the correct name for KRPano to work. All the files and the folder need to be saved for the webpage creation. Currently that can be done by Nathan, Stephanie, or Kenji.