Description from Incident 31867:

Hello, I’m trying to access an item on the Miami server that hasn’t had time to copy to the universal server. In the past I’ve been able to by accessing the local server “as if” I’m in Miami, Dallas, DC, etc. I seem to have forgotten how it’s done. Can you help?

Solution from Incident 31867:

Here is a list of the all of the offices. Just follow the format below to reach them.


ABD = Abu Dhabi

ATL = Atlanta

AUS = Austin

BRY = College Station

COR = Corpus Christi

DAD = Dallas LAD

DAL = Dallas LAN

FNT = FLint

FTW = FOrt Worth

HOU = Houston

LAX = Los Angeles

LSG = Lansing

LVG = Las Vegas

MCO - Montgomery County

MIA = Miami

MID = Chicago

MSP = Minneapolis

OCA = Orange

OMA = Omaha

SAN = San Antonio

SMC = San Marcos

WAC = Waco

WDC = Washington DC

WPB = West Palm Beach